P o r n gid
P o r n gid

The mechanism of action of MAT-SVF is also not fully understood. Currently, MAT-SVF obtained and administered at the point of care is approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), but more studies including manufacturing validation, safety, and proof of pharmacological activity are needed for SVF. Clinical data reported that joints treated with SVF provided a better quality of life to patients. Searches were made on PubMed, PMC, and Google Scholar with the keywords “adipose fraction knee regeneration, and stromal vascular fraction knee regeneration, and limiting searches within 2017–2020.įrequently found interventions include cultured adipose-derived stem cells (ADSCs), SVF, and the micronized/microfragmented adipose tissue-stromal vascular fraction (MAT-SVF). In this review, we have explored clinical evidence supporting the use of stromal vascular fraction (SVF), known for its anti-inflammatory characteristics for the treatment of OA. The knee joint is prone to osteoarthritis (OA) due to its anatomical position, and several reports have implicated the imbalance between catabolic and anabolic processes within the joint as the main culprit, thus leading to investigations towards attenuation of these inflammatory signals for OA treatment. Expanded cells from the four methods showed no significant differences in terms of phenotype, proliferation capabilities, differentiation abilities, and genetic stability. Our results demonstrate that all the devices allow the production of SVF cells with consistent yield and viability, in less time than the reference method. Finally, we checked their genetic stability using RT-qPCR for TERT mRNA assay and karyotyping as well as their multilineage potential including adipogenic, chondrogenic, and osteogenic differentiation. Further on, we determined their proliferative potential using population doublings (PD), PD time (PDT), and clonogenicity assay (CFU-F). Cell yield and their viability were evaluated as well as their phenotype with flow cytometry. In this study, we compared the reference method used in our lab for SVF isolation from lipoaspirate, with three medical devices: GID SVF-1™, Puregraft™, and Stem.pras®. However, extraction of the SVF from lipoaspirate is a critical step in generating ASC, and semiautomated devices have been developed to enhance the efficacy and reproducibility of the outcomes and to decrease manipulation and contamination. Adipose-derived stem/stromal cells (ASCs) reside in the stromal vascular fraction (SVF) of adipose tissue (AT) and can be easily isolated.

P o r n gid